11.   A few of the demonstrators stoned the soldiers.

12.   A few of the demonstrators stoned the soldiers, and Israel TV said four Palestinians were lightly injured.

13.   After the procession, hundreds of Arab youths stoned Israeli soldiers.

14.   After the procession, dozens of mourners stoned Israeli soldiers.

15.   At another location in Ramallah, students from Bir Zeit University held a march to and stoned Israeli soldiers, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets.

16.   At another demonstration in Bethlehem, Palestinian youths stoned Israeli soldiers and burned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in effigy.

17.   During the six-year Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, Palestinians routinely stoned Israeli soldiers.

18.   Dozens of Palestinians on Friday stoned Israeli soldiers who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.

19.   Four students were wounded by gunshots, soldiers were stoned and at least three cars were burned.

20.   In Hebron, hundreds of Hamas followers burned pictures of Arafat on Saturday and stoned Israeli soldiers who responded with tear gas and bullets.

v. + soldier >>共 419
kill 25.29%
wound 12.64%
injure 5.86%
send 2.02%
shoot 1.52%
include 1.46%
deploy 1.43%
accuse 1.37%
see 1.27%
arrest 1.22%
stone 0.55%
stone + n. >>共 115
car 19.93%
soldier 9.79%
bus 8.72%
vehicle 8.54%
police 7.65%
troop 6.58%
convoy 1.60%
building 1.60%
man 1.42%
shop 1.25%
每页显示:    共 55