11.   Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said the four were injured by stones in clashes with protesters.

12.   More than two dozen Israeli officers were injured by stones.

13.   One policeman and one of the Palestinians were lightly injured by stones thrown by the settlers, Menuhin said.

14.   One was stabbed, while four others where injured by stones thrown by demonstrators, Tibaigana told reporters.

15.   Six Croats accompanying their Roman Catholic cardinal to a Serb-held town in Bosnia were injured by stones thrown by angry Serbs.

16.   The army said one Israeli officer was also lightly injured by stones hurled at him by the protesters.

17.   The two forest rangers were slightly injured by stones thrown by two suspected illegal loggers, de Leon said.

18.   Two police officers and three soldiers were injured by stones, thrown by the demonstrators in separate protests in the towns of Solhan and Batman.

19.   Two border guards were slightly injured by stones, police said.

20.   Two Israelis were injured by stones.

n. + injure >>共 368
dozen 7.25%
people 4.83%
blast 4.08%
score 4.08%
shrapnel 2.94%
explosion 2.87%
stone 2.49%
attack 2.11%
soldier 2.04%
gunfire 1.96%
stone + v. >>共 197
be 18.88%
hit 6.47%
injure 5.77%
have 3.85%
hurt 3.67%
pelt 2.27%
come 1.57%
fall 1.57%
free 1.40%
smash 1.22%
每页显示:    共 33