11.   Oziel became the Mark Fuhrman of the Menendez trial, his own character and past stealing the limelight much as those of Fuhrman have in the Simpson trial.

12.   Public Advocate Mark Green, no pal, could steal the limelight by serving as acting mayor.

13.   Soy protein has stolen the limelight as the new miracle cure for high cholesterol.

14.   The accounts of his brutality against anyone who dares betray him, or steal his limelight, are full of meaty new morsels.

15.   There has been concern that the Clintons would steal the limelight from Gore, making it harder for him to present himself as a strong, independent leader.

16.   To some extent, astronomy has returned to the ground after three decades in which space-based instruments have often stolen the limelight.

17.   Well, as Ian Fleming discovered with James Bond, invented heroes have a way of stealing the limelight.

18.   Anne feels this is stealing the limelight from other members of the royal family, who do valuable charity work, The Mail on Sunday said.

19.   But the Xbox stole the limelight.

20.   Cheng, who was there for their release, said he did not try to steal the limelight though he could have.

v. + limelight >>共 51
steal 18.94%
shun 12.88%
avoid 11.74%
hog 8.33%
share 7.20%
love 4.55%
take 3.79%
grab 3.41%
enjoy 3.41%
leave 2.65%
steal + n. >>共 946
car 7.26%
show 5.01%
money 4.35%
base 4.05%
ball 2.68%
secret 1.56%
vehicle 1.53%
election 1.44%
weapon 1.42%
food 1.33%
limelight 0.89%
每页显示:    共 50