11.   He spun her around, and she found herself locked in that steady blue gaze.

12.   His eyebrows rose and he met her steady gaze with a hint of amusement in his own.

13.   Administration officials said Clinton had commented on the fact that Yeltsin had a firm handshake and a steady gaze and talked in an animated rapid-fire style.

14.   He often turned from the judges to offer a steady gaze at the scores of reporters in the gallery, separated by a wall of bulletproof glass.

15.   Her huge sea-green bonnet of lace and bunched silk is a fantastically regal creation, but her steady gaze beneath it is noticeably wary and unsmiling.

16.   Mirer did not balk at any question, and answered each with a steady gaze.

17.   Myra Woodruff looked as if she could quell the prairie that seemed to stretch beyond her steady gaze with a single, calmly disapproving glance.

18.   Shoulders facing front, body bent toward the child, hands behind back, steady gaze and eyes locked on their face.

19.   Their expression is the steady gaze you find between living artist and living model.

a. + gaze >>共 193
steady 5.85%
public 4.00%
watchful 3.69%
steely 3.38%
penetrating 2.46%
direct 1.85%
piercing 1.54%
fixed 1.54%
dark 1.54%
searching 1.54%
steady + n. >>共 818
stream 12.62%
growth 5.92%
rain 4.28%
flow 3.52%
decline 2.68%
increase 2.42%
diet 2.36%
supply 2.12%
job 1.94%
progress 1.88%
gaze 0.34%
每页显示:    共 19