11.   The country stabilized, racial barriers came down, and the new black government vowed to make education accessible to all.

12.   U.N. officials said Shiragha sounded like the ideal local leader to help stabilize the country.

13.   Bosnian Croats are politically split into extremist followers of Jelavic and moderates who are working together with the Muslims to stabilize the country and resolve ethnic conflicts.

14.   Buyoya said he staged the coup to stabilize the country.

15.   But U.N. officials believe the peacekeeping force has to remain in order to help stabilize the country.

16.   By putting pressure on Bosnian leaders to stabilize their country, nations steering peace in Bosnia hope to create conditions to withdraw the NATO-led peacekeepers.

17.   Experts say international aid also is urgently needed to stabilize the country.

18.   He said anything should be considered to stabilize the country.

19.   However the European Union and World Bank, which organized the conference, faced calls to make sure progress made in stabilizing the country is not undermined by corruption.

20.   It also requires consideration of an international peacekeeping force to stabilize the country.

v. + country >>共 730
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name 1.09%
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stabilize + n. >>共 280
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