11.   Schmidt recently sold bonds of Petronas and Telekom Malasia Bhd. because he expected spreads to widen further.

12.   Should it raise rates unexpectedly, the spread would widen, weakening the Canadian currency against its stronger counterpart..

13.   Some at the commission say they believe that situation will not endure, and that realized spreads will widen as well.

14.   Still, growing numbers of investors say yield spreads could widen in coming weeks, particularly if the Fed raises interest rates.

15.   That caused junk bond spreads to widen.

16.   The bonds may fall further, and spreads may widen, depending on how Niagara treats debtholders in the restructuring, some investors said.

17.   The spread widened since U.S. bond yields lowered so much, analysts said.

18.   The spread widens when Gucci and other luxury-goods makers sell directly to the public and reap retail prices.

19.   To make matters worse, the bonds plunged and yield spreads widened when the Federal Reserve began raising overnight bank rates just days after the sale.

20.   Traders are selling short the stock of Tyco and buying Keystone in a bet that the spread will widen as Keystone stock increases, he said.

n. + widen >>共 268
eye 8.98%
gap 8.46%
deficit 5.99%
loss 4.82%
spread 2.99%
scandal 2.08%
police 2.08%
investigation 1.95%
strike 1.30%
divide 1.17%
spread + v. >>共 140
be 30.96%
narrow 5.50%
widen 4.68%
indicate 4.07%
reflect 3.46%
suggest 2.24%
include 2.04%
mean 1.83%
imply 1.43%
have 1.43%
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