11.   Her most familiar pieces are gossamer in texture, as delicate as a spider web.

12.   His art sluiced directly from subconscious to canvas, and it arrived in furious drizzles, flings and splats, fashioning extravagant spider webs of churning paint and color.

13.   His eloquent still-life presentation last season was of mystical mermaid dresses with trains of horsehair or threads like spider webs.

14.   His skin is peppered with seven tattoos, including a particularly intricate spider web woven across his left elbow.

15.   I would guess that only about half the guys in this league know the difference between the World Wide Web and the spider web.

16.   In the spider web the Broncos spin at Mile High for the Chiefs, there is one common thread.

17.   Informavores hunting down an interesting site link it to their own, and that site is soon linked to others, forming a vast spider web of connections.

18.   In those years, more rail cars moved through here than on all the spider web of tracks the Kansas City Terminal Railway had surrounding Kansas City.

19.   Instead, that safety net has become a bureaucratic spider web, a web that entangles people and from which few ever escape.

20.   It also has sent armored personnel carriers and spider webs of green camouflage netting that mask huge howitzers as well as mortar and sniper positions.

n. + web >>共 33
spider 53.68%
computer 7.37%
information 2.11%
communication 2.11%
crime 2.11%
orb 2.11%
rope 2.11%
security 2.11%
film 1.05%
finger 1.05%
spider + n. >>共 71
web 25.00%
bite 10.78%
plant 8.82%
silk 8.82%
vein 6.86%
family 1.96%
gene 1.96%
species 1.96%
expert 0.98%
biology 0.98%
每页显示:    共 51