11.   Talk of moving it in the past has sparked riots in Palestinian areas.

12.   The closure sparked a riot Monday as hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators rushed an Israeli army checkpoint separating the self-rule area from the rest of the West Bank.

13.   The investigations are a striking echo of accusations and charges that tore up the Miami department, divided the city and sparked riots two decades ago.

14.   The near riot was sparked by two teenage girls who began to fight on the sidewalks of Mill Avenue at Seventh Street.

15.   The ouster sparked riots.

16.   The riots were sparked when a jury in Simi Valley acquitted four white police officers of beating African-American motorist Rodney King.

17.   Outside, police and firefighters were on alert in case the verdict sparked riots like those that broke out in Tehran when the mayor was arrested in April.

18.   Plagued by financial turmoil, Indonesia has suffered big leaps in inflation and unemployment, sparking deadly riots nationwide.

19.   Prices and unemployment have skyrocketed following a plunge in the value of the rupiah, sparking scattered riots around the country that have killed at least five people.

20.   Penny Birch, a spokeswoman for the Refugee Action Coalition, said Monday witnesses had claimed camp guards sparked the riot by beating refugees.

v. + riot >>共 162
spark 12.11%
quell 8.35%
trigger 8.01%
follow 6.99%
incite 6.56%
run 4.86%
cause 3.75%
provoke 3.75%
start 3.07%
instigate 1.71%
spark + n. >>共 725
protest 6.79%
concern 4.07%
fear 3.57%
debate 3.33%
outrage 2.77%
interest 2.68%
riot 2.44%
speculation 2.41%
controversy 2.39%
violence 2.35%
每页显示:    共 141