11.   Illinois state lottery officials said a winning ticket was sold at a gas station in Burbank, a suburb southwest of Chicago.

12.   Illinois state lottery director Lori Montana said another winning ticket was sold in Bridgeview, a suburb southwest of Chicago.

13.   In another incident in Butmir, a suburb southwest of Sarajevo, a U.N. food convoy was shelled with mortars.

14.   In the town itself most homes are damaged or destroyed, and thousands of civilians who fled the fighting now huddle in refugee camps in the southwest suburbs.

15.   In Sarajevo, people craned their necks as warplanes zoomed over around noon, and several loud explosions followed in the Serb-held southwest suburbs.

16.   Much of the southwest Dobrinja suburb is in territory held by the Muslim and Croat federation that is to govern half of Bosnia.

17.   Much of the southwest Dobrinja suburb is in federation territory.

18.   Much of the southwest Dobrinja suburb is in territory held by the Muslim-Croat federation that is to govern half of Bosnia.

19.   NATO planes zoomed in over the Bosnian capital Tuesday, and several loud explosions followed in the Serb-held southwest suburbs.

20.   Security forces on Wednesday discovered a bomb factory in the poor southwest suburb of Eucalyptus, a government source said Thursday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

a. + suburb >>共 412
northern 9.55%
southern 7.61%
serb-held 6.49%
western 6.22%
eastern 4.08%
affluent 2.96%
manila 2.45%
wealthy 2.24%
white 2.01%
government-held 1.77%
southwest 1.05%
southwest + n. >>共 310
corner 8.01%
coast 3.81%
desert 3.81%
border 3.52%
suburb 3.03%
region 3.03%
area 2.15%
village 2.05%
town 1.86%
state 1.86%
每页显示:    共 31