11.   Logically there must be some other reason.

12.   Milder cases of skin anthrax may have gone undetected because they can be cured by antibiotics, even if the drugs are prescribed for some other reason.

13.   The only survivors are those who were running late, on vacation or absent for some other reason.

14.   Whether it is due to living cheek-to-jowl or some other reason, Europeans have a different attitude about their bodies.

15.   And it gives her an enormous opportunity to win national prominence, particularly should Gephardt step down to run for the presidency or for some other reason.

16.   It concluded that it was authentic and that the color had not altered with age or for some other reason.

17.   It is unclear if the fern is taking in arsenic as a nutrient or for some other reason.

18.   Shea said it was too early to say if the plane had been hit by enemy fire or crashed for some other reason.

19.   But I have every right to ask if there is some other reason.

a. + reason >>共 446
good 11.29%
main 6.84%
same 4.57%
political 3.46%
different 3.05%
only 3.02%
personal 2.99%
major 2.58%
real 2.20%
obvious 1.81%
some 0.11%
some + n. >>共 673
country 5.39%
state 3.19%
way 2.81%
form 2.15%
part 2.04%
company 1.54%
thing 1.32%
analyst 1.27%
time 1.27%
nation 1.21%
reason 1.05%
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