11.   The study covered soft money gifts to the national, House and Senate committees of each major party.

12.   Although not all of them embrace a soft money ban, most of the donors could live with some limits on these unrestricted party gifts.

13.   Already, Lazio has begun to follow the soft money trail.

14.   Also, corporations and unions may contribute soft money.

15.   Although the House passed the comprehensive legislation in September, McCain and Feingold scaled back their bill this year to focus almost entirely on a ban on soft money.

16.   Although Bush has never made campaign-finance reform a priority, he endorsed modest changes, including abolition of soft money contributions by corporations and unions.

17.   Also soft money.

18.   Although Democrats have consistently backed the idea of reform, some have worried aloud that they could be disadvantaged by passing a ban on soft money.

19.   Although both Bradley and McCain pledged to ban soft money if they are the nominees, only McCain made his pledge unconditional.

20.   Although he opposes soft money from unions and corporations, he has favored allowing individuals to give unlimited amounts to the parties.

a. + money >>共 644
soft 8.80%
federal 7.81%
extra 5.77%
public 5.57%
new 4.68%
additional 2.82%
state 2.04%
foreign 1.58%
good 1.56%
the 1.45%
soft + n. >>共 1099
money 22.78%
tissue 2.10%
peak 2.08%
voice 1.89%
loan 1.39%
liner 1.13%
music 1.10%
cast 1.04%
light 0.98%
cheese 0.91%
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