11.   A smallpox epidemic would be much worse than an anthrax outbreak because it is more contagious and deadly.

12.   No cases have been detected, but a smallpox epidemic would be much worse than an anthrax outbreak, because the disease is contagious and more deadly than anthrax.

13.   Then she organized a group of young woman to do charitable works, including helping in clinics during a smallpox epidemic.

n. + epidemic >>共 114
cholera 16.67%
flu 11.43%
crack 5.23%
meningitis 3.68%
disease 3.29%
plague 3.10%
tuberculosis 2.91%
drug 2.91%
smallpox 2.52%
malaria 2.33%
smallpox + n. >>共 58
vaccine 32.36%
virus 20.70%
attack 5.83%
vaccination 4.66%
outbreak 4.37%
epidemic 3.79%
case 2.33%
stock 2.04%
campaign 1.75%
expert 1.46%
每页显示:    共 13