11.   He uses his jigsaw-puzzle skills to piece together the Fuddles, who fly apart at the slightest provocation ... oh, never mind.

12.   In the Kingdome, where fans stand and scream at the slightest provocation, one baserunner in an inning has a funny way of becoming three.

13.   Jeremy Irons, who has made a career of skilled understatement, bellows and thunders at the slightest provocation as Profion, the chief baddie.

14.   Judd inspired either intense loyalty or intense loathing and was known for ending friendships and dismissing employees on the slightest provocation.

15.   Rock stars perform to concert halls and stadiums filled with screaming fans who shudder with excitement at the slightest provocation.

16.   That SUVs, under the slightest provocation, tend to leave the ground, flip and roll like a Wallenda brother.

17.   The inter-ethnic warfare of World War II, never acknowledged, never judged officially, lived on beneath the surface, ready to explode at the slightest provocation.

18.   The important thing to remember here is that Santa is under a lot of stress this time of year and may snap at the slightest provocation.

19.   The loving and considerate man she had known had vanished, replaced by a person who would explode into rage at the slightest provocation.

20.   They demand top medical care, but they also stand ready at the slightest provocation to blast themselves and anyone nearby to bits.

a. + provocation >>共 126
military 9.43%
slightest 6.60%
deliberate 5.03%
iraqi 3.14%
political 3.14%
possible 2.83%
north_korean 2.83%
armed 2.52%
major 2.52%
albanian 1.89%
slightest + n. >>共 318
hint 6.82%
bit 5.83%
sign 3.74%
movement 3.30%
provocation 2.31%
idea 2.09%
change 1.87%
interest 1.87%
thing 1.87%
touch 1.76%
每页显示:    共 21