11.   Historically, the south was subjected to frequent raids by slave traders from the north.

12.   It consigned the Massachusetts slave traders, among the most rapacious in New England, to a tiny display overwhelmed by spectacular whaling exhibits.

13.   Maximus escapes, only to be captured by slave traders who train him as a gladiator.

14.   Now it is Nathan Bedford Forrest, the slave trader and first imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

15.   Philip Livingston, who signed the Declaration of Independence and founded a chair of theology at Yale, was a slave trader.

16.   Plantation owners, slave traders, shipbuilders and wealthy merchants, most of them European transplants, settled in this wealthy enclave.

17.   The coaches stalk the sidelines, slave traders in sweats.

18.   The pendulum swung the other way with the equally false work by Rene Etiemble, The Myth of Rimbaud, depicting him as a slave trader and pedophile.

19.   There were other rebellions and the Spanish slave traders no longer could count on untroubled journeys.

20.   They are no better than slave traders, he said.

n. + trader >>共 231
currency 24.31%
bond 11.98%
day 8.69%
energy 4.76%
oil 4.42%
future 3.63%
market 3.00%
commodity 2.70%
rogue 2.36%
slave 1.52%
slave + n. >>共 152
laborer 26.09%
ship 8.14%
owner 7.09%
trader 4.68%
girl 2.26%
master 2.11%
market 1.96%
worker 1.96%
woman 1.81%
revolt 1.66%
每页显示:    共 31