11.   For every top executive who says the sky is falling, it seems, there is another who perceives the deluge to be pennies from heaven.

12.   Finally, though, companies are conceding that the sky did not fall every time they were forced to clean up their act and their air.

13.   Gay rights advocates say they are eager to show that the sky will not fall.

14.   I remember, then, that our opponents said if that plan passed, the sky would fall, unemployment would go up, the deficit would explode.

15.   I thought the sky was falling in.

16.   In Japan, the sky really is falling.

17.   In other words, it would seem like the sky was falling.

18.   In our latest peril, the sky is not falling.

19.   Is the sky really falling?

20.   It therefore offers those who believe the sky is falling an opportunity to cover their heads.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
sky 0.18%
sky + v. >>共 238
be 39.84%
prevail 8.26%
clear 4.48%
darken 2.95%
turn 2.86%
fall 2.77%
cover 2.22%
remain 2.12%
begin 1.80%
become 1.62%
每页显示:    共 60