11.   And on the basis of those graphs it does look as if our situation worsens.

12.   Although they seem convinced that the situation can only worsen, most middle-class Brazilians have responded so far with resignation, not panic.

13.   And while Fitch appears to be improving from triple-bypass surgery in August, the latter situation is worsening.

14.   And voters appear to turn against the incumbent party when they believe their situation has worsened.

15.   As for Tibet, the report concludes that the human rights situation has worsened there in the last year.

16.   As the situation worsened, teachers and staff at the school agreed to work full-time hours for part-time pay.

17.   As the economies of Europe and Asia slow, however, the trade situation may worsen as demand for U.S. exports wanes.

18.   As the human rights situation has worsened, so have Chinese-American relations over the last year.

19.   Astronaut Michael Foale and his Russian hosts, Vasily Tsibliev and Alexander Lazutkin, are relying on the lifeboat for transportation to Earth if the situation aboard Mir worsens.

20.   BLOOD AVAILABLE for transfusions has been in short supply, and that situation worsened sharply last week.

n. + worsen >>共 390
situation 17.48%
condition 14.36%
problem 5.59%
crisis 2.99%
violence 2.60%
economy 2.60%
relation 1.95%
health 1.69%
weather 1.62%
shortage 1.36%
situation + v. >>共 459
be 41.92%
improve 4.61%
remain 3.47%
worsen 3.46%
change 3.43%
become 2.98%
deteriorate 2.78%
get 2.44%
seem 1.39%
arise 1.21%
每页显示:    共 267