11.   Farmers, bankers, shop keepers, railroad workers and practically everyone in town crowded into the cafe when the noon siren on the water tower sounded.

12.   In the Iraqi capital, sirens again sounded and anti-aircraft fire speckled the dark with flashes and bursts.

13.   No sirens sounded because there are none in Hall County, and relatively few in the state.

14.   Police cars, lights flashing and sirens sounding through the Polish countryside, accompanied a four-bus caravan to Chelmno.

15.   So that is where the children ran when the air-raid siren sounded over Surdulica.

16.   Soon after the air raid sirens sounded, the antiaircraft fire began booming Saturday evening from batteries around the city.

17.   Storm sirens had been sounding for several minutes but it appears that some people ignored them or were slow to seek cover.

18.   Suddenly, without warning, a siren sounded and the Egyptians dropped to the floor.

19.   The siren sounds when a rider is down and a horse is loose.

20.   The sirens sounded like they were coming from directly overhead.

n. + sound >>共 1184
siren 4.82%
buzzer 3.45%
voice 3.34%
alarm 3.34%
bell 1.97%
word 1.83%
music 1.83%
official 1.46%
name 1.43%
horn 1.31%
siren + v. >>共 66
sound 33.01%
wail 19.53%
blare 9.77%
go 6.45%
be 3.32%
scream 2.54%
begin 1.95%
start 1.95%
howl 1.37%
warn 1.37%
每页显示:    共 168