11.   For three days, both sides exchanged artillery fire without either making progress.

12.   Four people were killed last month along the border and the sides have exchanged mortar and sniper fire in recent days.

13.   Pakistan fired back, and the two sides exchanged fire again Tuesday and Wednesday.

14.   Russian television said Wednesday night that Pulikovsky remains in radio contact with Maskhadov and that the two sides had exchanged nine wounded prisoners.

15.   The Marlins will file theirs by noon Monday, then the sides will exchange them.

16.   The talks never advanced to the point where the sides exchanged names, according to the source.

17.   The sides have exchanged offers and they were making progress, but there was still a gap.

18.   The two sides exchanged prisoners and concluded a peace pact but the political future of Chechnya was left unresolved.

19.   The two sides exchanged the heaviest mortar and rocket fire of the year Monday after India claimed that Pakistanis had infiltrated its territory.

20.   The two sides exchanged warnings, then reached an agreement within a month.

n. + exchange >>共 345
side 10.84%
troop 5.89%
two 5.62%
force 3.75%
country 3.48%
team 2.95%
man 2.68%
soldier 2.54%
player 2.41%
couple 2.01%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
exchange 0.71%
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