11.   Both sides said on Monday that they were pleased that the labor dispute had ended, but neither side was declaring victory.

12.   Both sides would declare a cease-fire, and rebels who laid down their weapons would be granted an amnesty.

13.   Again and again, each side declared itself the rightful Reform Party, the one with a real chance to sway American voters.

14.   But the fight had hardly been joined in Nevada when suddenly, last Tuesday, both sides declared a truce and retreated from the field.

15.   If Republicans gave up some of the tax cut to allow more spending on Medicare, both sides could declare victory.

16.   In six months, one side can declare themselves the winners.

17.   It seems possible an agreement can be reached by coming up with wording vague enough to allow each side to declare that it stood its ground.

18.   Neither side declared the effort to address the recession dead.

19.   That has long been a buzzword of the environmental debate, as each side declares it is seeking a compromise between development and conservation.

20.   The exchanges between the White House and congressional Republicans left the budget talks grounded, but neither side would declare the negotiations dead.

n. + declare >>共 584
government 14.38%
official 5.87%
court 3.69%
judge 3.33%
authority 2.80%
leader 2.41%
island 1.96%
army 1.83%
president 1.79%
company 1.66%
side 1.50%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
declare 0.20%
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