11.   Aid groups also appealed to both sides to avoid targeting aid convoys.

12.   And both sides avoided costly strikes that could have cut short what is shaping as a record sales year for the industry.

13.   Both sides avoid official contacts because the rival governments do not recognize each other.

14.   Both sides carefully avoided characterizing this latest dispute as a crisis.

15.   Both sides largely avoided intermarriage and in most cases kept to separate neighborhoods.

16.   But both sides have carefully avoided talk of an alliance.

17.   Cease-fire monitors, seeking to defuse escalating hostilities, appealed to the warring sides to avoid shelling civilians.

18.   He also called on both sides to avoid provocative actions during the coming four weeks.

19.   Last week, as the army closed in on the rebellious capital, the State Department urged restraint on Yeltsin and appealed to both sides to avoid civilian casualties.

20.   Kohl aide Friedrich Bohl appealed to both sides to avoid an escalation and called for another round-table session with Kohl, unions and employers associations to resolve the dispute.

n. + avoid >>共 920
people 4.16%
company 3.71%
government 2.66%
investor 2.52%
step 1.81%
official 1.67%
pain 1.26%
bank 1.09%
country 1.06%
side 1.02%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
avoid 0.13%
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