11.   McCarty carried the Olympic torch on a short stretch of its journey through Mississippi.

12.   Montgomerie said, as the intensity of raindrops falling on the clubhouse roof increased tenfold during a short stretch yesterday.

13.   One is a machine for synthesizing short stretches of DNA fast and cheaply.

14.   Over a distance, the boulder fields became short stretches of rock shelving.

15.   Recent rain in much of the Midwest means fledgling plants can withstand a short stretch of hot weather, traders said.

16.   Some RNAs show promising behavior such as being able to make copies of a short stretch of another RNA.

17.   The landmarks that make up the map are short stretches of DNA code known as sequence-tagged sites, or STSs.

18.   The route north takes me over that mix of rough pavement, short stretch of dirt, and scenic back roads.

19.   The scientists at Johns Hopkins used a system that detects short stretches of RNA.

20.   Under good conditions, a conga line of wading anglers and a small flotilla of boats work the pools in this short stretch of fishable river.

a. + stretch >>共 622
long 15.74%
final 6.10%
vast 3.24%
same 2.16%
large 1.70%
full 1.62%
last 1.54%
tough 1.37%
short 1.20%
remote 1.16%
short + n. >>共 766
term 9.40%
program 3.75%
period 3.45%
supply 3.21%
run 2.98%
distance 2.87%
notice 2.38%
time 2.05%
while 1.69%
game 1.52%
stretch 0.18%
每页显示:    共 29