11.   Amdahl, the mainframe computer company, has been shifting its focus to software and services.

12.   An aerospace analyst, Fujio Nakano, said the decision to shift focus to the H-IIA was a good idea.

13.   Among the states and cities shifting their focus to community-based partnerships are Florida, Missouri, Iowa, Kentucky and Los Angeles.

14.   Analysts said it made sense for Raytheon, which was considered an also-ran in the consumer appliance business, to shift its focus to military contracting.

15.   And they will have to cope with new political pressures as lobbyists shift their focus from Washington to state capitals.

16.   Any veering from the expected path will shift the focus of snow.

17.   As a result, aid programs shifted their focus from the needy to the academically excellent.

18.   Apart from the crunchiness issue, Vlasic appears to have shifted its focus to developing new pickle products.

19.   As he shifted the focus from regular budget dues to peacekeeping, Holbrooke picked up some support from Russia.

20.   As for the new leadership, Wright expressed skepticism that Gingrich and Senate Republican leader Bob Dole of Kansas can shift their focus from opposing legislation to passing bills.

v. + focus >>共 237
shift 20.81%
lose 10.27%
keep 8.69%
change 4.57%
turn 4.46%
put 3.38%
narrow 3.05%
maintain 2.65%
sharpen 2.54%
switch 2.14%
shift + n. >>共 733
focus 9.46%
money 5.10%
production 4.36%
gear 3.97%
attention 3.15%
fund 2.85%
responsibility 2.08%
blame 2.05%
emphasis 1.95%
position 1.79%
每页显示:    共 367