11.   Naturally, shareholders wanted to hear a detailed explanation as to why.

12.   Nike shareholders want to boost profits by holding down production costs, which means manufacturing overseas.

13.   One of the concerns was that British shareholders would not want to sell their shares and see the company move to the United States.

14.   Rhone-Poulenc Rorer shareholders might not want their company, fresh from the Fisons takeover, to take on a French company, investors said.

15.   Shareholders want the court to stop the sale under its current terms.

16.   Shareholders may want to delay that long holiday weekend, just to make sure.

17.   Shareholders want the opposite.

18.   Shareholders want to know what happened.

19.   Shareholders increasingly want to know what each individual director brings to the table.

20.   Shareholders will want more than vague assurances for a return on their investment.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
shareholder 0.14%
shareholder + v. >>共 487
be 12.04%
approve 8.36%
have 5.61%
receive 4.65%
vote 4.47%
get 3.71%
say 3.26%
sue 1.75%
file 1.51%
sell 1.42%
want 1.21%
每页显示:    共 40