11.   Only a servant girl, thank God,

12.   The script revolves around a princess and her servant girl who grow up together.

13.   The same attitude that prevents people from looking at a servant girl, for example, and seeing a child who needs education, not just another worker.

14.   The smell of tobacco is pungent, and you can hear the muffled sound of a servant girl clearing dishes elsewhere in the house.

15.   This consisted in dressing up in disguise so that noblemen would dance with servant girls, oblivious to the difference in class between them.

n. + girl >>共 268
baby 27.16%
school 5.03%
twin 3.97%
country 2.56%
poster 2.38%
city 1.85%
age 1.76%
college 1.68%
eighth-grade 1.41%
birthday 1.41%
servant 1.32%
servant + n. >>共 14
girl 39.47%
leadership 15.79%
class 10.53%
evangelism 7.89%
boy 2.63%
home 2.63%
lasso 2.63%
make 2.63%
play 2.63%
quarter 2.63%
每页显示:    共 15