11.   The group is helping Mexican firms sort through paperwork so they can send their trucks onto U.S. highways.

12.   The Red Cross and Salvation Army sent trucks with food, and residents arrived with blankets and baby food.

13.   This, he said, forced him to stop sending trucks to smaller retailers, like craft stores and out-of-the-way general stores.

14.   Fire trucks were later sent to the hospital to extinguish the fire.

15.   Firefighters send two trucks on different routes to the same fire -- just to be sure one gets through.

16.   Hungary let the convoy pass only after Russia had agreed to send armored trucks back home.

17.   Local television sent satellite trucks for live reports.

18.   Logistics officer Tarbiz Khakbaz said the trucks would be sent into Afghanistan from northeastern Iran.

19.   Meanwhile, relief workers sent food trucks Saturday to tens of thousands of Tamil civilians displaced by the offensive.

20.   On Monday, the NATO-led contingent in Macedonia began sending tanker trucks to the city.

v. + truck >>共 487
drive 8.21%
stop 4.01%
park 3.44%
use 3.15%
block 2.39%
rent 2.21%
have 1.95%
hit 1.70%
load 1.48%
send 1.41%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
truck 0.12%
每页显示:    共 39