11.   He gave them a fleeting answer with the last punch of the night, that lightning bolt of a right hand sending Botha sprawling.

12.   He followed her so closely in the hallway one day that he stepped on the back of her heel, sending her sprawling toward the ground.

13.   He struggled, often allowing Jets defensive linemen to send Hostetler sprawling to the turf.

14.   He landed flat on his face, a collision with a Blues player having sent him sprawling far away from where he needed to be.

15.   In the first period, Nolan ran face first into a Scott Thornton elbow that sent him sprawling to the ice spilling blood.

16.   Instead it sent him sprawling.

17.   It took dead aim on Lasorda and hit him in the leg, sending him sprawling on his back and tumbling over in a poor imitation of a somersault.

18.   Municipal forward Sergio Guevara chased Ruiz and took a wicked swipe from behind, sending Ruiz sprawling to the ground and drawing a red card from referee Kevin Stott.

19.   Officials ruled at the game that the center-ice check which sent Messing sprawling was legal.

20.   On the day of the departure of the rest of his family, John Walker hit Regenia Walker one more time, sending her sprawling.

v. + sprawling >>共 5
send 90.91%
sending 3.64%
find 1.82%
have 1.82%
knock 1.82%
send + a. >>共 217
lower 11.84%
soaring 9.36%
packing 9.36%
sprawling 5.64%
higher 5.30%
overseas 4.51%
scurrying 2.25%
straight 2.25%
plummeting 2.03%
plunging 1.80%
每页显示:    共 50