11.   Dealers exacerbated the rise by buying back futures they had sold short, or borrowed and sold at lower prices.

12.   Elgindy and his partner, Derrick W. Cleveland, sold short the shares of companies that they learned were under investigation, according to the indictment.

13.   ETFs can be bought on margin and sold short if you think the industry is headed down.

14.   Five years earlier, he had foreseen the drop in oil prices, sold short, and made a bundle.

15.   For all the opportunities to sell short, he must buck more than an unfavorable bullish trend.

16.   Furthermore, the small number of liquid shares available made it hard for the pessimists to sell short the overvalued stocks.

17.   He makes it seem so simple, he may be sold short.

18.   He once said that it was difficult to live up to his blue china, a clear case of Wilde selling himself short.

19.   He has made money selling Enron short, betting its share price would fall, and has short positions in shares of other traders.

20.   He sells himself short.

v. + short >>共 16
cut 87.72%
sell 5.18%
keep 2.79%
leave 1.20%
crop 1.12%
find 0.56%
consider 0.48%
have 0.16%
make 0.16%
order 0.16%
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