11.   It donates factory seconds to community organizations to sell to raise money for local libraries, recreation centers and other facilities.

12.   Primary shares are those the company is selling to raise capital.

13.   Some art was sold to raise money, the staff trimmed.

14.   Some will go on display, some will be sold to raise money.

15.   Some foreign investors are also selling to raise money to cover losses in other Asian markets, traders said.

16.   The bonds are sold to raise money for construction now and future federal highway money is used to pay the bonds off.

17.   The bills were sold to raise cash to pay a cash-management bill maturing Thursday.

18.   The corporation will be able to periodically request bonds be sold to raise money as it needs it.

19.   The DIC will be able to periodically request bonds be sold to raise money as it needs it.

20.   The Moroccan government then donated land outside Fez that the agency would be able to develop and sell to raise money for its operations.

v. + raise >>共 188
use 9.76%
sell 8.03%
do 7.38%
work 5.86%
be 2.82%
run 1.74%
address 1.52%
establish 1.52%
spend 1.30%
form 1.30%
sell + v. >>共 223
raise 6.13%
pay 5.13%
finance 3.81%
help 3.31%
buy 3.15%
be 2.98%
make 2.65%
cover 2.65%
base 2.65%
take 1.99%
每页显示:    共 37