11.   It provides liquidity so that business or other assets do not have to be sold to pay estate taxes.

12.   Livestock is often sold to pay for medications and funerals.

13.   Losing allies at the Security Council, Iraq on Monday unexpectedly began to cut off exports of the oil it sells to pay for food for its citizens.

14.   Most of the stock sales by executives at Amerada Hess involve shares sold to pay taxes on a restricted stock award that occurs after five years, Tursi said.

15.   Nations that import more than they export, as Australia does, often see their currencies suffer because it must be sold to pay for the excess imports.

16.   Officials have said the banks and other properties belonging to Cabal Peniche might have to be sold to pay creditors and shareholders.

17.   Savings of that magnitude would be far more than the annual interest payments on the bonds that CNA plans to sell to pay for Continental.

18.   The collector, in turn, opted to sell to pay for a Tom Seaver Mets rookie jersey.

19.   The family worries that when the parents die, most of the property, including several family homesteads, will have to be sold to pay estate taxes.

20.   The house will soon be sold to pay his nursing home bills.

v. + pay >>共 241
use 32.80%
will 13.01%
sell 2.92%
wind 2.83%
borrow 2.36%
work 1.70%
opt 1.32%
put 1.32%
be 1.23%
gather 1.13%
sell + v. >>共 223
raise 6.13%
pay 5.13%
finance 3.81%
help 3.31%
buy 3.15%
be 2.98%
make 2.65%
cover 2.65%
base 2.65%
take 1.99%
每页显示:    共 31