11.   Presidents should be selected on other personal traits, such as trust, honesty, integrity and intelligence, for starters.

12.   The government of Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar had argued that changing the method of selecting the president was unconstitutional.

13.   The Electoral College is technically the official method our political system uses to select a president.

14.   The second plan would select a president by the end of the month.

15.   The site also includes a collection of uncaptioned photographs of candidates so that voters can select their president on looks alone.

16.   There probably is no way to change the system that now tends to anesthetize voters months before they actually select a president.

17.   Then the newly elected House of Representatives will select the president, with every state having just one vote.

18.   When it comes to the process of selecting a president, full disclosure of all pertinent information should certainly be the goal.

19.   Parliamentary elections will be held after a president is selected, at a date to be announced.

20.   A party with more than half the national vote has the power to select the president, who will be chosen by the National Assembly.

v. + president >>共 850
elect 5.38%
include 3.21%
accuse 2.88%
impeach 2.66%
meet 2.47%
say 2.29%
choose 2.16%
see 1.90%
remove 1.77%
criticize 1.67%
select 0.75%
select + n. >>共 989
candidate 2.61%
winner 2.53%
player 2.50%
team 2.33%
site 2.25%
option 1.99%
president 1.35%
member 1.29%
jury 1.21%
delegate 1.09%
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