11.   No amount of bombing by the IRA or murder of security force personnel has weakened the resolve or beliefs of the unionist community.

12.   All ushers and security personnel will have earplugs available for fans who want them.

13.   Already the security personnel, along with pilots and other aviation professionals, seem more assertive.

14.   American security personnel in civilian clothes were on guard in the dingy halls, as special American medical teams treated the injured.

15.   Among them are the removal of airport trash cans, like the one where the bomb was hidden, and the hiring of additional airport security personnel.

16.   And airlines were economically sound enough that they employed security personnel to check tags and protect against thievery, a practice seen only sporadically today.

17.   Armed security personnel are more visible, and the procedures for obtaining temporary security clearance have become more rigorous in the wake of the attacks.

18.   Around her, grim-faced security personnel and edgy Marines sent from Saudi Arabia stood guard.

19.   As a result, there are plenty of frequent fliers willing to do whatever it takes to make traveling easier when security personnel start rifling through their belongings.

20.   As Packard twisted balloons and did tricks with a set of Olympic rings, he drew an audience of athletes and security personnel, including one in military garb.

n. + personnel >>共 321
security 33.23%
player 5.99%
army 3.65%
service 2.80%
embassy 2.64%
rescue 2.37%
police 2.10%
support 1.94%
hospital 1.83%
enforcement 1.83%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
personnel 1.75%
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