11.   During the campaign, Bush and his top national security aide, Condoleezza Rice, said that European allies should carry more of the military burden on their continent.

12.   During a surprise visit to the Mozdok military base near Chechnya Wednesday, Putin reviewed the deteriorating situation with his top security aides.

13.   Every one of the campers, drawn up in a circle behind crowd-control barriers patrolled by beefy National Front security aides, was a Ford.

14.   He estimated the union had signed up more than two-thirds of both the uniformed officers and security aides eligible.

15.   He travels with President Jiang Zemin and has met with Clinton and most of his national security aides.

16.   I have fewer security guards and security aides.

17.   Lake also did not hide his impatience with other senior national security aides.

18.   Meanwhile, his national security aides kept one eye on a drama playing out half a world away, in Indonesia.

19.   On Wednesday, Bush met with his national security aides and Powell to discuss the situation.

20.   Other officers said they were advised to let bouncers and hired security aides handle upscale establishments.

n. + aide >>共 139
campaign 28.45%
press 6.16%
gore 5.78%
security 5.50%
health 5.32%
administration 4.85%
staff 4.29%
leadership 3.92%
committee 3.73%
government 2.33%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
aide 0.12%
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