11.   Vajpayee had said he hoped his words would put an end to the sectarian clashes.

12.   Until now, U.S. authorities have rarely commented on the six weeks of sectarian clashes in Gujarat.

13.   Four people died and several were injured in sectarian clashes Saturday in the western Indian state of Maharashtra following unruly Holi celebrations, police said.

14.   Indonesia has imposed a state of civilian emergency in the eastern province of Maluku to try to halt more than three years of sectarian clashes there.

15.   Boats carrying refugees from separate sectarian clashes in the Maluku islands are also known to have capsized off Bitung.

16.   The violence has spilled over to the adjoining state of Maharashtra where four people were killed in sectarian clashes on Saturday night.

17.   It was the worst act of violence in the region since a December peace pact ended two years of bloody intermittent sectarian clashes.

18.   Meanwhile residents in Londonderry struggled in vain to pick up the pieces of their everday lives after the ugly sectarian clashes of the past week.

19.   Philippines President Fidel Ramos on Sunday appealed to Israel and the Palestinians to end sectarian clashes in Jerusalem and to return to the negotiating table.

20.   Security force reinforcements, including riot police, were deployed on Sunday evening but no sectarian clashes occurred.

a. + clash >>共 527
violent 9.73%
sporadic 5.20%
armed 4.14%
separate 2.91%
new 2.41%
recent 2.31%
latest 2.25%
street 2.20%
bloody 2.08%
deadly 1.81%
sectarian 0.44%
sectarian + n. >>共 166
violence 35.52%
tension 4.81%
killing 4.69%
attack 3.52%
strife 2.93%
divide 2.58%
conflict 2.58%
clash 2.46%
group 1.99%
passion 1.88%
每页显示:    共 21