11.   The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.

12.   One scientific theory - Gaia theory - actually claims that Earth is a living organism.

13.   This did not make such theories false, but it did prevent them being seriously developed as scientific theories.

14.   In this way, we would generate our scientific theory of first impressions.

15.   Further, it could be claimed that a phonological analysis is a type of scientific theory, and a scientific theory should be stated as economically as possible.

16.   And though most of them never got off the ground, the students were forging ahead in scientific theory.

17.   Are you saying that scientific theories can never be applied to business?

18.   Arthur C. Clarke, the novelist, over the years has carefully followed scientific theories about the nature of Europa and the possibility of life beneath its icy surface.

19.   As a scientific theory, however, it is a distant also-ran to evolution.

20.   A competing proposal advanced by conservative board member Steve Abrams of Arkansas City would leave the decision to teach the scientific theory to local school districts.

a. + theory >>共 732
economic 5.96%
new 4.51%
legal 2.45%
different 2.09%
political 2.09%
scientific 2.09%
popular 1.66%
evolutionary 1.26%
prevailing 1.23%
current 1.23%
scientific + n. >>共 907
research 7.74%
evidence 6.62%
study 4.44%
journal 3.14%
community 2.79%
experiment 2.14%
datum 1.45%
knowledge 1.42%
basis 1.21%
paper 1.21%
theory 0.87%
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