11.   Is there any scientific evidence for either of these opposing views?

12.   It takes a relatively modest amount of scientific evidence to have a substance banned.

13.   Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.

14.   Jones is mounting a vigorous legal and public relations challenge to the scientific evidence collected against his client.

15.   Previously, scientific evidence was allowed only if it had gained the general acceptance of the scientific community.

16.   Secondly, they say there is no scientific evidence that whales are near extinction.

17.   There is no scientific evidence to support this theory.

18.   There is not the slightest scientific evidence to support such arguments.

19.   These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence.

20.   Two university psychology professors say they have scientific evidence that southerners are more prone to violence than northerners.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
scientific + n. >>共 907
research 7.74%
evidence 6.62%
study 4.44%
journal 3.14%
community 2.79%
experiment 2.14%
datum 1.45%
knowledge 1.42%
basis 1.21%
paper 1.21%
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