11.   Attend any open houses, and try to help your child meet some classmates to befriend before school begins.

12.   Both schools had begun to carve a new space as a refuge for urban teen-agers.

13.   After all, why give thanks in the autumn after school had begun and bare branches reached toward gray skies?

14.   After learning of her death over spring break, the school began raising money to help her family.

15.   After these community schools began appearing in the relatively prosperous south in recent years, they eventually found their way to the north, centering in Timbuktu.

16.   Both schools began the season with expectations established by regional semifinal defeats last year.

17.   Business schools have also begun to attract more attention from young college grads.

18.   But with the collapse of the studio system, film schools began to take over the training of young filmmakers.

19.   But, one case at a time, she said, schools are beginning to wake up.

20.   Chancellor William Tucker said the school had already begun conducting preliminary search duties such as taking nominations, applications and suggestions for the new coach.

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school + v. >>共 1050
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