11.   The idea is that the sea lions, couch potatoes of the marine world, will have the wits scared out of them by the phony killer whale.

12.   They do dazzle, the everyday angels, just as the angel did in the Christmas story, scaring the wits out of the shepherds.

13.   The gleaming stainless steel seems to have been designed with an eye on scaring the wits out of patients.

v. + wit >>共 66
match 15.76%
have 10.84%
keep 10.84%
use 8.87%
scare 6.90%
gather 5.91%
pit 2.96%
need 1.97%
show 1.97%
express 1.48%
scare + n. >>共 235
people 13.20%
hell 5.31%
investor 3.73%
child 3.73%
daylight 3.16%
voter 3.01%
public 2.87%
wit 2.01%
pant 1.87%
lot 1.43%
每页显示:    共 14