11.   Ellen Pack, founder of the Women.com site, said women and men functioned differently on the Net.

12.   Educated men once said women and black people were intellectually incapable of being scholars.

13.   Fishing, farming, and cheese-making, said the woman who ran the concession stand.

14.   Graves, said two women in the yard of a farmhouse.

15.   Goldberg said women who are afraid men may have something seriously wrong should make an appointment and go with their men.

16.   He says women desiring bigger breasts held off from having the surgery until they could gather more information about the safety and durability of saline implants.

17.   If getting men to sit up and pay attention meant the message had to come from Farrakhan, some women said, so be it.

18.   In the restroom, the women said, someone is almost always crying.

19.   Lantis officials were not not available for comment Monday, said a woman who answered the phone at their Salt Lake City headquarters.

20.   Living conditions for their loved ones in Iraq are already terrible because of economic sanctions and would become even worse in a military conflict, several women said.

v. + woman >>共 742
kill 5.19%
include 4.20%
rape 2.70%
see 1.95%
injure 1.72%
take 1.50%
treat 1.44%
marry 1.38%
help 1.28%
arrest 1.27%
say 1.06%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
woman 0.23%
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