11.   He continued to hint strongly that Saudi exile Osama bin Laden, a terrorist living in Afghanistan, masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

12.   His last videotape, released in December, showed the wealthy Saudi exile looking wan and gaunt, leading many to speculate that death was near.

13.   Investigators later came to believe that the plot was linked to a worldwide network of terrorists orchestrated by Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile.

14.   Intelligence officials believe the attacks were organized by Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile who has been implicated in a series of bloody assaults against Americans.

15.   Last spring, officials said, U.S. intelligence considered a daring raid into Afghanistan to capture the Saudi exile.

16.   Now he is helping to steer secret operations aimed at capturing the Saudi exile, who is accused of bombing two American embassies.

17.   Once, the Saudi exile and millionaire might have sought sanctuary from any number of rogue regimes.

18.   One of the names that surfaced in the bombing case was that of a Saudi exile named Osama bin Laden, FBI officials say.

19.   Prosecutors say Ressam used Pakistan as a jumping off point to enter Afghanistan, joining other Islamic extremists at camps sponsored by Saudi exile Osama bin Laden.

20.   Prosecutors may try to draw connections between the cell of Algerians and other terrorist activities believed to be sponsored by Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile.

a. + exile >>共 266
cuban 28.80%
self-imposed 12.85%
saudi 6.20%
political 3.73%
tibetan 3.10%
internal 2.24%
iranian 2.18%
anti-castro 2.01%
iraqi 1.95%
cuban-american 1.20%
saudi + n. >>共 618
official 9.51%
authority 6.50%
government 5.09%
capital 3.07%
man 2.42%
family 2.40%
exile 2.02%
security 1.74%
millionaire 1.67%
proposal 1.65%
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