11.   The satellites would track train movements and flash updated information to ground stations and railroad dispatchers.

12.   They will be hauled by trucks tracked by satellites and driven by drivers who are required to follow strict safety rules.

13.   Though security measures are closely held secrets, we know the trucks are tracked by satellite.

14.   U.S. intelligence experts said almost immediately that satellites had tracked a missile that had slammed into the plane after veering wildly off course after its launching.

15.   After the call, negotiations began between Thai and Cambodian authorities, while a U.S. satellite tracked the trawler being moved to a new location.

16.   Lara, who had just laid her eggs along the KwaZulu-Natal coast of eastern South Africa, has since been tracked by satellite moving south.

17.   Larsen B is separate from a new, giant iceberg that satellites are tracking off Antarctica.

18.   The freighter may be escorted by British navy ships and will be tracked by satellite, French officials said.

19.   The probe, which was losing altitude in orbit around Earth, was being tracked by satellites.

20.   The ship is being constantly tracked by satellite.

n. + track >>共 473
police 8.12%
stock 2.89%
authority 2.82%
company 2.48%
investigator 2.27%
official 2.13%
index 1.72%
bond 1.65%
satellite 1.45%
system 1.38%
satellite + v. >>共 250
be 16.52%
have 3.56%
transmit 3.46%
beam 2.70%
provide 2.38%
track 2.27%
broadcast 1.94%
carry 1.84%
detect 1.73%
take 1.73%
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