11.   Suddenly, satellites could deliver crystal-clear pictures and CD-quality sound to dishes as small as a pizza pan.

12.   The Altec Lansing satellites deliver clear sound even at high volumes, though with music the highs tended to pop in forceful passages.

13.   The only pay-TV service, Telepiu, is delivered by satellite.

14.   For various technical reasons, satellite TV cannot deliver the same type of on-demand interactive service, with the same range of movies.

15.   It was delivered by satellite, which made the service too costly to maintain, Bobrowitz said.

n. + deliver >>共 984
company 3.61%
government 1.78%
president 1.74%
truck 1.45%
official 1.20%
system 1.16%
doctor 1.12%
man 0.83%
leader 0.83%
group 0.79%
satellite 0.62%
satellite + v. >>共 250
be 16.52%
have 3.56%
transmit 3.46%
beam 2.70%
provide 2.38%
track 2.27%
broadcast 1.94%
carry 1.84%
detect 1.73%
take 1.73%
deliver 1.62%
每页显示:    共 15