11.   Giuliani may be the only chief executive officer in town who leaps from wobbly boulder to submerged sand bar to meet with his vice president of manufacturing.

12.   He said damage to the sand bars would mean rougher surf and a stronger undertow for bathers during the rest of the season.

13.   Heavy surf, Vibbert said, cuts openings in the submerged sand bars that become natural channels for high volumes of water receding from spent waves.

14.   It was at the base of the canyon near a flat spot in the river, with a broad sand bar.

15.   Laughing gulls, terns, olivaceous cormorants, buffle-heads and oyster-catchers were spotted flying over the shallow water or perched on sand bars or buoys.

16.   Lescinski said the heavy surf was damaging offshore sand bars that absorbed wave energy.

17.   Many of the new beaches and sand bars have been steadily eroding.

18.   Low river flows contribute to the buildup of sand bars at the river mouths, blocking salmon migrations.

19.   Of course, there is a difference between a well-built ship stuck on a sand bar and a rotting ship springing a leak.

a. + bar >>共 679
metal 4.55%
local 4.36%
chocolate 4.25%
uneven 4.25%
high 4.09%
gay 3.53%
wine 2.46%
gold 2.35%
sand 1.67%
topless 1.67%
sand + n. >>共 199
wedge 12.34%
beach 6.31%
bar 6.17%
bag 5.89%
castle 5.61%
pit 4.07%
storm 3.93%
shot 2.10%
grain 1.82%
bank 1.26%
每页显示:    共 44