11.   She has pooh-poohed questions about male chauvinism, saying she is a full member of the Russian crew.

12.   Thagard wore a big smile as he recounted the constant help he got aboard Mir from his Russian fellow crew members.

13.   The activities will prepare the orbital outpost for the arrival of the Russian crew module in July and the first resident crew of astronauts and cosmonauts late this year.

14.   The boosting set the orbital outpost up for the launching of its first resident American and Russian crew.

15.   The first American and Russian crew assigned to live aboard the international space station sped toward a rendezvous with the orbital outpost, following a flawless liftoff early Tuesday.

16.   The line provides the Russian crews with direct and secure communication to Moscow in time of nuclear crisis.

17.   The Progress and its cargo will remain undisturbed until the shuttle Atlantis reaches the station in early September with a U.S. and Russian crew.

18.   The outpost will not be staffed permanently until after the Russian crew module, also known as the service module, is launched in late November from Central Asia.

19.   The Russian crew holds a press conference.

20.   The Russian crew inside the carrier, who were also on their way to call relatives, died instantly.

a. + crew >>共 755
emergency 7.83%
new 3.63%
russian 3.29%
american 3.04%
the 2.32%
first 2.16%
skeleton 2.07%
officiating 1.50%
entire 1.44%
missing 1.41%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
crew 0.20%
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