11.   Heavy rains submerged many areas in waist-deep floods and caused two major rivers to swell in Cagayan province.

12.   It was not immediately possible to establish the width of the river but Ndumba said the river have swollen as a result of recent heavy rains in the region.

13.   Ndumba said the river has swollen as a result of recent heavy rains in the region.

14.   Torrential monsoon rains battered large parts of the country again over the weekend, causing overflowing rivers to swell further.

15.   In the Netherlands, the Maas river swelled to flood village after village in the southeast of the country.

16.   Some rivers have swollen dramatically, namely in the northeastern Venetia and Friuli regions.

n. + swell >>共 328
crowd 3.83%
rain 3.83%
population 3.83%
number 3.69%
rank 2.77%
heart 2.11%
brain 2.11%
music 2.11%
river 2.11%
knee 1.72%
river + v. >>共 314
be 19.99%
overflow 4.59%
flow 4.27%
run 3.88%
rise 3.82%
burst 2.98%
flood 2.20%
have 2.07%
continue 1.55%
become 1.42%
swell 1.03%
每页显示:    共 16