11.   And in many places, this asphalt river is overflowing.

12.   At the north end of the hall is another focal point, a large video screen exploding with scenes of rampaging lava, rivers overflowing and glaciers carving terrain.

13.   During the rainy season from October to February, the river slowly overflows and the Pantanal turns electric green, trees flowering in brilliant yellow and pink.

14.   Police spokesman Ivan Mejia said the Coco, Segovia and Cruta rivers all overflowed their banks Monday along the eastern Honduran coast.

15.   And when rivers periodically overflowed the dikes and flooded the land, everyone took refuge in the church, man and beast.

16.   Bangladesh has experienced torrential rains since Tuesday, causing rivers to overflow their banks.

17.   But in the last three weeks, heavy rains have pounded the land and rivers overflowed their banks.

18.   Catastrophic rains have caused two rivers to overflow, inundating the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator and claiming at least six lives, it was reported Sunday.

19.   Commuters who made it to San Jose found the downtown a maze of detours as creeks and rivers overflowed and flooded streets and major highways.

20.   Damage and business losses in the southern Limburg province, where the Maas river overflowed its banks, will push the final figure higher.

n. + overflow >>共 202
river 17.49%
toilet 2.22%
hospital 2.22%
water 2.22%
jail 1.97%
system 1.72%
sewer 1.48%
crowd 1.23%
box 1.23%
tributary 1.23%
river + v. >>共 314
be 19.99%
overflow 4.59%
flow 4.27%
run 3.88%
rise 3.82%
burst 2.98%
flood 2.20%
have 2.07%
continue 1.55%
become 1.42%
每页显示:    共 71