11.   The force will consist of six rifle companies, each consisting of two platoons from Partnership for Peace countries, a NATO country platoon and a US platoon.

n. + company >>共 616
oil 7.16%
tobacco 4.21%
phone 4.02%
drug 3.30%
telephone 3.20%
technology 2.72%
software 2.45%
telecommunication 2.34%
construction 2.13%
service 2.10%
rifle 0.02%
rifle + n. >>共 105
butt 25.70%
fire 23.05%
association 7.63%
grenade 6.23%
bullet 2.18%
company 1.71%
barrel 1.56%
round 1.56%
ammunition 1.09%
arm 1.09%
每页显示:    共 11