11.   Rhinoceros horns are prized in parts of Asia for their supposed aphrodisiac powers.

12.   South Africa, meanwhile, defended its proposal to resume the sale of rhinoceros horn despite objections from India conservationists who say such trade would endanger their rhinos.

13.   The ivory decision came a day after delegates imposed restrictions on trade in sturgeon and caviar but rejected easing controls on rhinoceros horn.

14.   The World Wide Fund for Nature on Wednesday urged Yemen to strengthen laws to combat the illegal trade in African rhinoceros horn.

15.   It found that goat horn was just as effective as rhinoceros horn in bringing down a fever, but neither worked as well as modern medicines.

16.   After being tipped off by animal rights groups, the police bought medication in Chinatown allegedly made of rhinoceros horn, tiger penises and bone, and bear bile.

17.   Their finds included rhinoceros horns, the bones and blood of tigers, frozen bear blood and cobras.

18.   Police thought laboratory analyses would reveal elements of rhinoceros horn or tiger penis, but instead only herbs and jelly were found.

n. + horn >>共 78
car 41.54%
air 8.71%
rhino 8.21%
rhinoceros 4.48%
fog 2.74%
bull 2.74%
saddle 1.99%
goat 1.74%
taxi 1.49%
buffalo 1.24%
rhinoceros + n. >>共 18
horn 43.90%
habitat 9.76%
conservation 4.88%
costume 4.88%
species 4.88%
cup 2.44%
head 2.44%
hut 2.44%
iguana 2.44%
locality 2.44%
每页显示:    共 18