11.   His flight has become an embarrassment for French officials, who did not place judicial controls on Papon or revoke his passport after his conviction.

12.   It was also an embarrassment for French officials who did not place judicial controls on Papon or revoke his passport.

13.   Kovacs is not being held, but his passport was revoked as he was about to leave Monday for Paris on an official assignment.

14.   Schmitz was apparently arrested after German authorities revoked his passport.

15.   The German Embassy has revoked the passport of a German allegedly linked to an extortion ring here, embassy documents obtained Saturday show.

16.   The legislation, which among other things would allow the government to revoke the passports of deadbeat dads, easily passed in the House of Commons last fall.

17.   Hatijah and the aides were detained by police on arrival Saturday by plane from Thailand, from where they were expelled after their passports were revoked by Malaysian authorities.

18.   However when he arrived at the airport, he was told his diplomatic passport had been revoked.

19.   A Malaysian immigration spokesman said in Kuala Lumpur on Friday that Kuala Lumpur had not revoked their passports.

20.   Aris said that the government had never revoked passports of Malaysians residing overseas.

v. + passport >>共 192
have 8.11%
carry 7.82%
hold 5.90%
confiscate 5.84%
surrender 5.72%
use 5.14%
issue 4.09%
obtain 3.21%
take 3.09%
get 2.80%
revoke 1.28%
revoke + n. >>共 196
license 19.52%
visa 6.06%
licence 3.57%
citizenship 2.85%
permit 2.76%
decision 2.76%
probation 2.41%
permission 2.23%
ban 2.23%
charter 2.14%
passport 1.96%
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