11.   Clinton says until a surplus actually appears, he will only sign into law tax-cut legislation offset by new spending reductions or revenue increases.

12.   Compaq said its revenue increase came from robust sales of all types of its personal computers.

13.   Earnings grow as revenues increase or as profit margins expand.

14.   GTE also said more phone lines and an initial success in long distance produced its largest revenue increase in more than four years.

15.   In Europe, Avon said revenue increases from the U.K., Russia and Central Europe partially offset declines in Germany, France and Spain from unfavorable exchange rates.

16.   In the past, bonuses were tied to revenue increases, which resulted in signing up contracts that added to sales but were money losers.

17.   Instead of forcing price increases across the industry and fueling a revenue increase, the price triggered a decline in San Miguel beer sales.

18.   It would not say if the revenue increase would produce a profit on the year.

19.   Levitan said that as distribution and revenue increase, the company plans to seek more exposure through radio and television.

20.   Last year, the company saw its revenue increases slow to a crawl.

n. + increase >>共 778
price 16.58%
tax 14.67%
rate 14.20%
wage 6.76%
pay 3.98%
salary 2.58%
fare 1.69%
capital 1.60%
cost 1.30%
production 1.27%
revenue 0.55%
revenue + n. >>共 335
growth 14.31%
stream 8.22%
source 6.77%
shortfall 3.88%
collection 3.52%
loss 3.02%
figure 2.98%
projection 2.89%
estimate 2.48%
increase 2.17%
每页显示:    共 48