11.   Customers who make purchases on-line can return items to stores.

12.   Customers also can return items by placing them in electronic bins for couriers to pick up.

13.   Do the Diamondbacks return the items to the person after the game?

14.   Failure to return these items is punishable by additional time in The Box.

15.   Following protests, federal agents returned the items that did not belong to the money-transfer business, Scolinos said.

16.   He wanted no money, he said, but wanted to be sure the remains and other items were returned to the United States.

17.   However, the effort and cost of returning things via postal service as opposed to returning an item to a store made the store-related sites more attractive.

18.   I figure I can return items if I find something better.

19.   In addition, some also had difficulty in returning an item, and consumers continue to have worries about giving an on-line retailer a credit card number.

20.   Increasingly, I visit online retailers that I know, retailers with real stores where I can return unwanted items.

v. + item >>共 644
contain 11.56%
sell 5.31%
buy 4.28%
include 3.84%
find 2.14%
remove 1.79%
have 1.52%
take 1.46%
purchase 1.43%
return 1.41%
return + n. >>共 653
call 22.10%
fire 11.62%
message 5.15%
money 3.11%
favor 2.38%
body 1.37%
refugee 1.14%
punt 1.09%
home 0.98%
verdict 0.95%
item 0.46%
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